Modern slavery statement
Our aim is to deliver positive outcomes in communities, influencing the long-term wellbeing and resilience of individuals and society, leaving a legacy where we work.
As a responsible business, and one that supports vulnerable people to access support in their community, I am proud that we have earned a reputation for an unwavering commitment to the highest ethical principles and values. To maintain this reputation, we must demonstrate consistent standards of accountability, integrity, responsibility, and ethics in our daily activities, across the organisation and around the world, and across all disciplines. Improving our working practices to identify and act upon the risk of modern slavery is an important part of this work.
We are committed to introducing appropriate controls to safeguard business areas that may be at risk of exposure under the Modern Slavery Act. This focus extends both internally and externally, and we work closely with our third-party suppliers to ensure that our relationship and their individual working practices align to the Act.
This statement sets out our structure, policies, performance, training, risk and due diligence relating to modern slavery and is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ending 30 September 2024.